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Sox30 Methylation Correlates with Disease Progression in Patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
  • Author:Zhang, T. J., Wen, X. M., Zhou, J. D., Gu, Y., Xu, Z. J., Guo, H., Ma, J. C., Yuan, Q., Chen, Q., Lin, J. & Qian, J.

  • Periodical:OncoTargets and therapy 12, 4789-4794 (2019)

  • Article source

BACKGROUND: Our previous study has reported that aberrant SOX30 methylation was associated with poor prognosis in AML, and it correlated with disease progression in MDS. Herein, we further determined SOX30 methylation and its clinical significance in the other myeloid malignance - chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). METHODS: SOX30 methylation was examined by real-time quantitative methylation-specific PCR and bisulfite sequencing PCR, whereas SOX30 expression was detected by real-time quantitative PCR. RESULTS: SOX30 methylation was identified in 11% (10/95) CML patients. SOX30 methylation was associated with lower hemoglobin and platelets (P=0.006 and 0.032, respectively). Importantly, significant differences were observed in the distributions of clinical stages and cytogenetics (P=0.006 and 0.002, respectively). The frequency of SOX30 methylation in chronic phase (CP) stage occurred with lowest frequency (4/74, 5%), higher in accelerated phase (AP) stage (1/7, 14%), and the highest in blast crisis (BC) stage (12/31, 39%). In addition, SOX30 methylated patients tended to have a higher level of BCR-ABL transcript than SOX30 non-methylated patients (P=0.063). In two paired CML patients, SOX30 methylation showed lower density in CP stage (19% and 17%, respectively), and was significantly increased in BC stage (89% and 69%, respectively) during disease progression. Additionally, SOX30 methylated CML patients presented a lower SOX30 transcript level than SOX30 non-methylated CML patients (P=0.046). CONCLUSION: Our study revealed that SOX30 methylation correlated with disease progression in chronic myeloid leukemia.

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