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What's the difference between Quick Step Elisa Kit and Regular Elisa Kit
Sunlong Biotech / 2024-05-09



The Quick Step Elisa Kit has undergone significant optimization in terms of operational steps compared to the Regular Elisa Kit. Specifically, the Quick Step Elisa Kit requires only one incubation and one plate wash, which greatly improves detection efficiency and significantly reduces the risk of contamination.

In the Regular Elisa Kit, both the plate wash and incubation steps need to be performed twice. This means that experimenters need to repeatedly mix samples with reagents (incubation) and clean the microplate wells (plate wash), consuming a significant amount of time and increasing the risk of sample contamination and cross-contamination of reagents during the experiment.

However, the Quick Step Elisa Kit, through the adoption of advanced reagent formulas and optimized experimental conditions, has successfully reduced the number of incubations and plate washes to one each. This design allows experimenters to obtain test results more quickly while reducing the risk of potential operational errors and contamination.

In summary, the Quick Step Elisa Kit greatly improves detection efficiency and accuracy by reducing the number of incubations and plate washes, lowering experimental and time costs, and providing laboratories with a more efficient and reliable detection tool. This innovative design not only enhances experimental efficiency but also offers more convenience to researchers.


Tel: +86 571 56623320 
Address: Room 1-315, Kongle Changqing Building, No. 160 Guangye Road,Gongshu District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China

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