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What's the KO-KD validitied Antibody?
Sunlong Biotech / 2024-11-12

Background Introduction

Specificity is one of the most critical indicators for assessing antibody quality. Among the five strategies proposed by the International Working Group for Antibody Validation (IWGAV) for validating antibody quality, genetic engineering methods are considered the best approach for verifying antibody specificity. Genetic engineering techniques encompass gene knockout (KO) at the DNA level and gene silencing or knockdown (KD) at the mRNA level. Gene knockout can lead to the complete elimination of the protein encoded by the gene, but for some genes essential for cell growth, knockout results in cell death, which is detrimental to subsequent antibody validation. Sunlong Biotech's unique gene silencing platform integrates specific gene shRNA sequences into the cell genome through lentiviral vectors, downregulating mRNA and the proteins encoded by mRNA through stable shRNA expression. Compared to KO, KD can downregulate gene expression to varying degrees, avoiding the cell-lethal effects of KO, thus facilitating the validation of antibodies corresponding to genes crucial for cell survival. As a complement to the SUNLONG™ gene silencing platform, SUNLONG BIOTECH's gene knockout platform can also efficiently knock out genes to validate antibody specificity.

Validation Principle:
An antibody is considered highly specific if it detects a signal in wild-type (WT) cells or their lysates but the signal disappears or is significantly reduced in gene-knockout or gene-silenced cells or their lysates.

Product Highlights

  • High Specificity: Non-specific antibodies not only significantly increase trial-and-error costs, wasting time and resources, but more importantly, render experimental results uninterpretable and irreproducible. Our antibodies validated through KD or KO achieve 100% specificity.

  • Multiple Validation Methods: We not only validate antibody specificity through Western Blotting (WB) but also through methods such as cell staining and flow cytometry.

  • Low Batch-to-Batch Variability: Our validated high-specificity antibodies are predominantly recombinant rabbit monoclonal antibodies or mouse monoclonal antibodies, ensuring high consistency in antibody quality across batches.

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