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Product ID Product name Inquiry
SIPC397Mu01 Recombinant Centromere Protein J (CENPJ)
Alias:LAP; LIP1; BM032; CPAP; MCPH6; Microcephaly,Primary Autosomal Recessive 6; Centrosomal P4.1-associated protein; LAG-3-associated protein; LYST-interacting protein 1
Source:Prokaryotic expression
Applications:Positive Control, Immunogen, SDS-PAGE, WB
Organism Species:Mus musculus (Mouse)
SIPF397Hu01 Recombinant Prostate Cancer Susceptibility Candida...
Alias:C17orf92; Prostate,Rectum And Colon; Small nuclear protein PRAC1; Prostate cancer susceptibility candidate protein 1; Prostate, rectum and colon expressed gene protein
Source:Prokaryotic expression
Applications:Positive Control, Immunogen, SDS-PAGE, WB
Organism Species:Homo sapiens (Human)
SIPJ398Hu01 Recombinant Diacylglycerol-O-Acyltransferase Homol...
Alias:ARGP1; DGAT; ARAT; ACAT-related gene product 1; Acyl-CoA retinol O-fatty-acyltransferase; Diglyceride acyltransferase
Source:Prokaryotic expression
Applications:Positive Control, Immunogen, SDS-PAGE, WB
Organism Species:Homo sapiens (Human)
SIPC564Hu01 Recombinant Rhodopsin (RHO)
Alias:OPN2; RP4; Opsin 2; Rod Pigment; Retinitis Pigmentosa 4; Visual Purple
Source:Prokaryotic expression
Applications:Positive Control, Immunogen, SDS-PAGE, WB
Organism Species:Homo sapiens (Human)
SIPG398Hu01 Recombinant Proteasome Subunit Beta Type 6 (PSMb6)
Alias:LMPY; Macropain delta chain; Proteasome subunit Y; Multicatalytic endopeptidase complex delta chain
Source:Prokaryotic expression
Applications:Positive Control, Immunogen, SDS-PAGE, WB
Organism Species:Homo sapiens (Human)
SIPB398Hu01 Recombinant Progesterone Receptor (PGR)
Alias:NR3C3; PR; Nuclear Receptor Subfamily 3,Group C,Member 3
Source:Prokaryotic expression
Applications:Positive Control, Immunogen, SDS-PAGE, WB
Organism Species:Homo sapiens (Human)
SIPA627Hu02 Recombinant Kidney Injury Molecule 1 (Kim1)
Alias:HAVCR1; TIM1; TIMD1; HAVCR; Hepatitis A Virus Cellular Receptor 1; T Cell Immunoglobulin And Mucin Domain-Containing Protein 1; T-cell immunoglobulin mucin receptor 1
Source:Prokaryotic expression
Applications:Positive Control, Immunogen, SDS-PAGE, WB
Organism Species:Homo sapiens (Human)
SIPB989Hu02 Recombinant Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogena...
Alias:G3PD; GAPD; Peptidyl-cysteine S-nitrosylase GAPDH
Source:Prokaryotic expression
Applications:Positive Control, Immunogen, SDS-PAGE, WB
Organism Species:Homo sapiens (Human)
SHPB207Hu01 Native Apotransferrin (apoTf)
Alias:apo-Transferrin; Apo-Tf
Source:Natural extract
Applications:Positive Control, Immunogen, SDS-PAGE, WB
Organism Species:Homo sapiens (Human)
SHPA213Hu01 Native Glycated Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c)
Alias:Glycosylated Hemoglobin; Hemoglobin A1c; Hb1c; HbAIc; HbAIc
Source:Natural extract
Applications:Positive Control, Immunogen, SDS-PAGE, WB
Organism Species:Homo sapiens (Human)
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