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Human Total MMP-1 ELISA Kit is on line for Sunlong Medical
Sunlong Biotech / 2024-01-18

Matrixmetalloproteinase is a class of zinc-dependent endopeptidases that can degrade various protein components of extracellular matrix (ECM). MMPs is named because it requires metal ions such as Ca2+ and Zn2+ as cofactors. The MMPs family has separated and identified 26 members, numbered MMP1-26. According to the substrate and fragment homology, MMPs were classified into 6 categories, including collagenase, gelatase, stromal degradin, stromal lysin, Furin-activated MMP and other secreted MMP. MMPs are secreted by proinflammatory cells and uterine placental cells, including fibroblasts, osteoblasts, endothelial cells, vascular smooth muscle, macrophages, neutrophils, lymphocytes and cytotrophoblast cells. MMPs promote cell proliferation, migration, and differentiation, and play a role in angiogenesis, apoptosis, and tissue repair. They affect endothelial cell function as well as migration, proliferation, Ca2+ signaling, and contraction of vascular smooth muscle cells. MMPs can also influence bioactive molecules on the cell surface and regulate various cellular and signaling pathways.


Cat NO.:
Sunlong Medical™ Human Total MMP-1 ELISA Kit
4℃ (unopened) for two years
Shipping Condition
Sample Type:
serum | plasma | cell culture supernates
Spike Recovery Range:
84 % - 117%
Mean Spike Recovery:
CV of Intra plate:
3.1% - 6.4%
CV of Inter plate:
2.6% - 5.1%

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