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Neutral Invertase (NI) Activity Assay Kit
Neutral Invertase (NI) Activity Assay Kit
(Vip priceV)
Regular members: $336.0


Measurement Significance:

Invertase, IVR) Catalyzes sucrose to irreversion as fructose and glucose, is one of the key enzymes of higher vegetable sucrose metabolism.According to the optimum pH, the higher plant IVR is divided into acid transformase (AI) and neutral transformase (Ni).Ni mainly exists in the cytoplasmic, responsible for decomposing cytoplasmic sucrose as fructose and glucose. Determination Principle:
Ni catalyzed sucrose decomposition to produce reducing sugar, further reacting with 3,5-dinitrogen hydrocyanlic acid, generating brown red amino compound, characterized by 510 nm, is absorbed in a rangeThe 510 nm light absorbent value is proportional to the amount of reducing sugar generation.Ni activity is calculated by the light absorption increase rate. Instruments and reagents required:
Visit spectrophotometer, water bath, desktop centrifuge, adjustable pipette, 1 mL glass cuvette, mortar, ice, distilled water.

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