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PCR Detection Kit for Mycoplasma Gallisepticum
PCR Detection Kit for Mycoplasma Gallisepticum
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Store at -20°C in the dark and avoid repeated freezing and thawing when transported at 2-8°C. Without repeated freezing and thawing, the shelf life is one year.


Mycoplasma gallisepticum Gallisepticum), also known as Mycoplasma gallisepticum, Mycoplasma gallisepticum, and Mycoplasma gallisepticum, is an important poultry pathogenic mycoplasma that often causes significant economic losses and sometimes leads to the elimination of entire flocks of poultry. It is the causative agent of chronic respiratory diseases and can cause upper respiratory tract infection, showing different symptoms such as rales, cough, runny nose, conjunctivitis, sinusitis, reduced egg production, increased embryonic mortality, and can cause air sacs in severe cases. inflammation, it has also been reported that it can cause slow weight gain and meat loss in broiler chickens, as well as cause infectious infertility through eggs. Although M. gallisepticum infections may be asymptomatic, they can make birds more susceptible to secondary infections with bacteria such as E. coli, and viruses such as Newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis, and infectious laryngotracheitis. Mycoplasma gallisepticum can be transmitted through aerosols, food, water and various items in the environment. In many cases, the source of transmission cannot be identified. Mycoplasma gallisepticum is also the causative agent of infectious sinusitis in birds of all ages, including turkeys, ducks, geese, wild birds, pigeons, and peacocks.

Mycoplasma gallisepticum can be cultured in vitro, but it grows slowly and has relatively low nutritional requirements. High, often requiring one to several weeks to complete growth and identification. Due to its long time, its growth is sometimes masked by other faster-growing upper respiratory tract saprophytic mycoplasmas. Serological methods are often used to detect Mycoplasma gallisepticum, but an important disadvantage is that the detection lags behind infection. Antibody detection cannot be performed until at least one week after infection, while the red blood cell aggregation inhibition test must be performed within three weeks after infection. The PCR method is a rapid and highly sensitive alternative detection method that can be tested on swab samples and results can be obtained in just a few hours without the need for lengthy culture processes.

The Mycoplasma gallisepticum PCR detection kit selects lipoprotein genes for PCR identification. The primers have been verified by BLAST to specifically target Mycoplasma gallisepticum and are compatible with other organisms. The genome does not cross-react. This kit was used to detect 10 Mycoplasma gallisepticum strains and 12 other avian mycogens.Among the isolates, only Mycoplasma gallisepticum produced amplified bands. 646 tracheal swabs were tested and 73 positive results were obtained, which was higher than the 26 results obtained by the culture method, indicating that the PCR method has higher sensitivity. It can be seen that this kit is species-specific and can be used for the identification and detection of Mycoplasma gallisepticum.

This kit is for scientific research use only.







鸡毒支原体(Mycoplasma Gallisepticum),又称为鸡败血支原体、鸡毒霉形体、鸡败血霉形体,是一种重要的家禽致病性支原体,常造成重大经济损失,有时能导致整群家禽被淘汰。它是慢性呼吸系统疾病的病原体,可导致上呼吸道感染,表现出啰音、咳嗽、流鼻涕、结膜炎、鼻窦炎、产蛋量减少、胚胎死亡率上升等不同的症状,严重时可引起气囊炎,还有报道其能使肉鸡体重增加缓慢和肉品下降,以及经蛋引起感染性不育。尽管鸡毒支原体感染可能没有临床症状,但它们可以使禽类更容易继发感染大肠杆菌等细菌,以及新城疫、传染性支气管炎和传染性喉气管炎等病毒。鸡毒支原体可以通过气溶胶、食物、水和环境中的各种物品进行传播,很多时候无法查明传播源头。鸡毒支原体也是火鸡、鸭、鹅、野鸟、鸽子和孔雀等鸟类各年龄段的传染性鼻窦炎的病原体。








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